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  • 04 Apr 2025 9:00 AM
    Jepson Alumni Center, University of Richmond School of Law, 442 Westhampton Way, Richmond VA 23173
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The VACDL’s Judicial Appointments Committee was established to serve the organization’s goal of providing fair and impartial evaluations of judicial nominees to state district court, circuit court, and appellate judicial seats as well as federal district court seats in the Eastern and Western District of Virginia, based on applications from candidates as well as requests for evaluations by the chairs of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House of Delegates’ Courts of Justice Committee. The VACDL is one of nine bar groups in the Commonwealth of Virginia that has been asked to weigh in on judicial vacancies.

The Committee focuses on evaluating the competence, integrity, and judicial temperament of each nominee.

The full Judicial Appointments Committee Policies and Procedures for Judicial Evaluations can be accessed below:

VACDL Judicial Appointments Procedure_2023_.pdf

Virginia Association of Criminal DefenSe Lawyers

Email: vacdlawyers@gmail.com
Office: +1 (804) 262-8223

Mailing Address:
3126 W Cary Street, #615
Richmond, VA 23221

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